Monday 6 March 2023

New post rare photos

MATURE young teenager bends for the slipper,

She tries to be brave,

She can't help but cry out in pain,Mrs.Tweed the deputy Headmistress

Hates mod chicks like Susan,and will find any excuse to slipper their



Friday 5 August 2022


I refused point blank to go over my step mums knee. well that worked out didn't it.

when she said I was due a spanking, I didn't even bother arguing, best get it over with,

she indicated her lap, I'll bend over the chair, I offered nervously,  get here now, she hissed, 

I obeyed, she was a large well built woman, I was tiny a slip of a thing could pass for 

fourteen, fifteen quite easily, rather than my nineteen years, why dose an adult a fully

grown (as grown as I'll get) woman accept parental chastisement, its a long story,



Friday 10 June 2022


    MATURE.....    MATURE

.....I was in my late fifties widowed for a number off years, tho friends  had tried to pair me

off, no one

 had tickled my fancy,, then I met Geoff, a few years older than I, a widower,a

Good head of steel grey hair, tall and of  slim build.

we did the same things couples our age did, but had stopped at the bedroom door,

tho I was beginning more and more to want him physically,

we had finished our meal were having  a drink in our favourite Italian restaurant.

I bent in towards him whispered in his ear, I want your cock inside of me,

Thus began our successful sex .life,

I feel safe with you, I want to ask you something, my face was flushed I couldn't look

him in the eye,

yes darling spit it out, she spoke, there it was out in the open,

he looked surprised, but pleased what red blooded male would turn down the opportunity,

"I want you to spank my bottom" she finally voiced her desire, of course I will darling,


Wednesday 29 December 2021


 you had to bend over not to touch your toes,  but to place the palms of your hands flat on this little


look at our lady he would instruct you, he meant a statuette by the way we weren't a catholic school,

we didn't know who 'our lady' was. of course Belinda the school swot knew chapter and verse,

short, skinny, sallow complexion, jet black hair which she normally wore in long pigtails,

if you asked her the time she would tell you how to build a watch. tho as unglamorous as she was this

 plain Jane had caught herself a boyfriend,

as I was saying you had to bend and place the palms of your hands flat on the top of the table,

nine times out of ten you got a lecture a telling off of varying severity,

oh hello old man did you see the cricket score? as the only two male teachers working at the all girl

 grammar school, they had a convivial relationship a shared interest in  rugger, cricket and real ale,

what's your next lesson oh I'm free I've got disciplinary duties, anything interesting? well I've got 

Chantelle Withers, oh yes the little plump gal with the short skirts, well you certainly cant miss her 

backside, indeed a few well placed whacks should have her jumping, and there's a upper sixth girl,

the headmistress wants her taught a real lesson, the cane? oh I don't know perhaps an over the knee

spanking, bring her down a peg or two you know how hoity- toity these senior girls are, 

Sunday 21 November 2021



After being unable to find a job in her native town in the north of England, a young school leaver had

taken a job as a cleaner in a small private girls school, now almost nine teen she was still treated as a


she attended mass once a month when a local priest held a service for the small number of girls who

were Roman Catholic,

after mass one morning she spoke to the priest,

I'm sorry Father I don't feel prayer, Hail Marys,  etc . are giving me what I need, God forgive my 


Kathleen you know there are places you can go, retreats, yes Father but I  haven't the time or the 

wherewithal to go to such a place,

there is a solution, there is some spare rooms at the old presbytery we could use, very Spartan, you 

would spend your day in prayer  rising early to kneel on the cold hard floor,  fasting, silent meditation,

you would be divested of all your trendy modern trappings, obvious l I could not be hands on, not 

present when you were stripped naked, immersed in a  cold bath, shall I arrange it yes please Father, 

the pretty dark haired teenager said feeling a sense of relief already, 

I know just the parishioner to be your mentor, you know her Miss Mulholland, oh not her I know its 

more of a penance if there is mutual animosity between you, yes Father I appreciate all you are doing 

for me,

Kathleen when you pass thru this door there's no going back, yes Father I'm ready,

the teenage cleaner was shocked at what she saw, miss Mulholland wore her blonde hair loose gone 

were the dull calf length granny dresses, she wore a white low cut satiny blouse, showing a daring 

amount of cleavage, she wore a black pencil skirt it was tight and clingy around her shapely bottom, 

in her right hand she held a heavyweight leather strap or tawse,

put your jewellery in here she indicated a brown paper bags, when the nervous teenager hesitated, 

Mulholland grabbed her wrist and holding her hand out lashed the heavy duty tawse down hard on 

Kathleen's palm,

don't make me use the tawse again so soon she hissed, Kathleen quickly adding her silver crucifix to her

 watch and bangle,

strip to your undies, she snapped, no please or thank yous here, the nervous school cleaner did as she

 was told,

she had wanted to undergo penance and now she was receiving it in spades,

at the hands of her snooty, oh look at me I'm so superior co-religionist, miss Mulholland,

sit there now Mulholland snapped, in her bra and panties Kathleen sat in the old dusty wooden upright 

chair, "oh what are you doing" the startled teen yelled as she realised Mulholland was hacking her long

dark brown hair off with a pair of shears, shut up your here to atone for your sins not flaunt yourself, in

your trendy mod gear, she snarled, its a pity you weren't plastered in makeup I would have taken great 

pleasure in scrubbing it off your impudent little face, Mulholland hissed waving an old fashioned heavy

 duty scrubbing brush in Kathleen's  face,

strip naked and get in there and wash yourself you useless slug, use the soap she stood under the tepid 

shower and washed as best she could with the large unwieldy bar like the harsh  soap her gran had used

to scrub the front step.

that'll do get dry she was thrown a scrap of towel stiff and none to clean,

here get dressed stop flaunting your nakedness you hussy, she grabbed the garment Mulholland threw at

her and quickly donned the navy blue shift made of harsh scratchy, itchy material, it was shapeless it 

reached Kathleen's knee, "yes much more suitable for a common working class guttersnipe than the

trendy mod gear you strut about in, follow me" her mentor hissed,

this is your cell, a small spartan room, a low pallet bed with a stained straw filled mattress, 

a small table with a candle stick holder a candle wax running down. a battered bible, a high window,

use the candle sparingly you wont get another, after a night kneeling and praying,

Mulholland tied Kathleen's hands with rough rope, fastening them to a metal ring set in the wall,

she pulled down the blue smock leaving the attractive teenager naked from the waist up,

she then brandished a small whip like a cat o nine tails, Kathleen had seen pictures of men in catholic 

countries flagellating them selves with such implements,(tho the flails used by those men had lead 

pellets at the tail end this one was merely knotted, it still inflicted a degree of pain,

turn face the wall the school cleaner did as she was told, owwch! she yelped as the tails of the whip 

lashed across her bare back, she continued to yell as the pain mounted sobbing she gasped for mercy,

yes pray to the Virgin you worthless sinner, Mulholland shouted, at last the whipping ended but the 

dark-haired penitent was left hanging by her wrist after ten minutes she was roughly spun round release

 at last she thought but no her torment was to continue, Mulholland began lashing the whip across 

Kathleen's pert breasts and her pale flat belly, the young girl could only hang there moaning the pain was

 terrible, tho still in pain Kathleen noted that the scars on her  breasts and belly were fading ,she assumed

 her back was likewise healing,

get in there, strip, Kathy would once have hesitated to follow such an instruction but a few days in the

house of penance had made her obedient to a fault,

she bent over the rough wooden table lay still as Mulholland looped the rope over each of the teenagers

wrists, then she tied the ends of the rope to the table legs, feet on the rough stone floor body stretched 

across the table her well rounded teenage bottom ideally displayed she winces as she heard the swish of 

the cane tho she had already guessed what her penance was to be,

get ready sinner, Mulholland hissed, Kathleen gritted her teeth as she heard the swish of the heavy duty

rattan, thwack! she yelped, the cane whipped across the centre of both cheeks, Mulholland certainly 

knew how to wield a rattan, and again the swish, the crack, the yelp of pain as the heavy duty cane 

landed on the teenagers bare bottom, stroke after viscous stroke were  lashed down on the young

woman's pert bottom, it was pure agony, she was sobbing uncontrollably,  at last it was over,

Kathleen lay licking her wounds, she heard a strange noise was it an animal in distress? a dog or cat tho

she had seen none during her stay in the house of penance, she investigated, a light from a door slightly

ajar, the noise was coming from there, the teenage school cleaner was shocked,

tho a virgin she knew what the beast with two backs looked like, a woman with long blonde hair was

riding a man,

the blonde woman turned her head and shrieked, "Liam its the little bitch," the pretty dark haired 

teenager ran for it,

they followed the dark haired teenager in to the yard, pulling on clothing as they ran panic stricken,

you are a disgrace and you too Liam, I wont call you father you're not fit to wear the priestly vestments,

and as for you glamour puss, you're nowt but a brazen hussy, 

didn't you have a thought for the girls, the girls who attend mass how would they feel having to face 

their Protestant classmates, you are a disgrace, I wont tell of what I've seen, I've to much respect for the

Headmistress and the school,

"well said that woman" Kathleen spun round and saw the Headmistress and the Head of Year,

Father Liam and Miss Mulholland still partially dressed they blanched at the sight of the two senior 

teachers, shamefaced they dressed,

Kathleen removed the hated blue shift and flung it at Mulholland, here wear this you slut,

the pretty teenager pulled on her top and stepped into her cord mini, she was shaking the Head of Year 

embraced her holding her close, Miss Mulholland go to your room please and await my call. yes

Headmistress the white faced teacher mumbled, and turning on the white faced priest Kathleen

shouted you never take mass here again, arrange for a new

priest to come here next month, or I will report you to the bishop, shouted Kathleen,

come inside dear and have some tea, here drink that a large brandy was thrust into her hand she downed

it in one, felt the liquid fire flow thru her body, 

what on earth has been going on and what have you done to your lovely hair?  its my penance miss 

Kathleen replied, she explained the reason she underwent penance and the whippings and canings she

had received at the hands of her co- religionist, 

it was arranged that Mulholland would work the half term week cleaning under Kathleen's 

supervision, and would keep her job if she accepted a caning from the Headmistress,

here wear that Kathleen said throwing the course blue shift at Mulholland, we can start cleaning the

toilet block at eight tomorrow,

in the heads study, the two senior teachers, Kathleen and the sniffling teacher,

take that ridiculous skirt off and your blouse, she stood there hang dog, wearing her sexy undies,

excuse me miss is it ok if I go to the refectory and make a cup of tea I prefer not to watch, Kathleen 

spoke softly, yes of course, if that's what you want,

right you bend over the desk, the head snapped a look of contempt on her face, Mulholland quivered and

sniffled, she had never received corporal punishment at school or at her middle class home,

she obeyed. Kathleen heard the crack of the cane as she walked down the corridor, followed my an

ungodly shriek, 

the chastisement seemed to have had as salutary  effect on the young teacher she worked willingly and 

hard along side Kathleen, on the Monday morning, 

Monday 9 August 2021



So glad to see some clouds in the sky this am. tho its still clammy as anything, in my teens and

twenties I loved the sun would rush home to get the blanket out and lie on the lawn,

now I just can't stand it, help I'm melting,

When I'm working in "the charity shop" normally I wear a white blouse and black trousers,

tight around my backside (my best feature) a bit VPL.

off duty I favour a black mini-skirt with thick black tights or leggings,

not really the best outfit for this inferno of a summer.

I'm wearing a long floaty summer dress at the moment a bit flowery but keeping me cool as I sit in

the shade,

I shun the sun. is my motto.

tho not always so, as teenager I liked to sunbathe in the back garden, in those days not many

working class families went abroad,

taking advantage of the sun my pal Muriel and I took advantage of a half day from the supermarket

where we both worked,

blankets on the lawn we lay listening to our little transistor radio,

wearing t shirts and baggy shorts,(nothing like the skimpy things young girls wear now")

 we decided to toast our backs and the back of our legs,

we pulled our t-shirts over our heads giggling lying face down we undid our bra straps,

we lay soaking in the suns rays then our idyll was broken, my mums piercing harsh voice what are

you doing you little trollops,

get your tops back on at once, we quickly fastened our bras and put on our shirts,

weve done nowt wrong, Muriel said angrily, get home you little hussy, I will be speaking to your

mother, mum shouted at the slim blonde teenager,

don't you call me a hussy Muriel replied, behind my mums back  I was shaking my head please shut

up Muriel I mouthed at her,

I knew I would get the backwash, Muriel stormed off , "in side now I'll teach you to flaunt yourself 

in public"

we were only sunning our backs mum, I said in a tiny pleading voice,

I knew better than to argue with mum when she had her temper up, I ran inside and to my room

closing the door, hoping the bitch would calm down before she found me,

no such luck I heard her feet on the stairs like a herd of elephants she burst into the bedroom,

how dare you argue with me in public she yelled, I stuttered with fear   I never said nowt, I managed to


that blonde trollop had enough to say for both of youse she snarled  I decided silence was the best


she sat on the chair here now she indicated her lap, oh!  I felt the tears welling up over her knee like a

ten year old and me working and bringing in money into the house,

mum began spanking my bottom, centre of my left cheek then the right,

after half a dozen smacks it was really starting to hurt I had assumed it would be less painful than the

slipperings we received at school, tho it was rare for anyone to get more than two whacks,

then I felt my mum pulling my shorts clear of my bottom, then she re-commenced spanking me on

the seat of my thin cotton panties,  mum was giving me a real tanning I yelped each time her hand

struck my pantie clad bottom, last it was over  I was left to lick my wounds,

it was Muriel and her mum Muriel looked ashen, eyes down cast, I've burnt my hand she held up her

right hand it was heavily bandaged, can you do the honours I've brought the hairbrush,

she waved a lethal looking implement in her other hand,

yes my dear that will be no problem, mum replied in her smarmy voice, she must have felt all her

birthdays and Christmases had come at once,

invited to spank the bottom of the hated blonde hussy, and with the heavy wooden backed hairbrush

no less,

no wonder Muriel was white as a sheet a spanking from her own mum was bad enough,

but to be at the mercy of her nemesis was awful for the poor girl,

Yvonne take your friend to your bedroom yes mum I whispered,

both mothers entered the room, my mum sat in the wooden upright chair, she hefted the hairbrush

feeling its weight and balance, she tapped it several times on her palm,

then rolled up the sleeve of her hideous puce cardigan, she had an evil glint in her eye,

Muriel's mum seemed unaware of this, Muriel looked not far off fainting, as far as I was aware

Muriel was not despite her mother producing the hairbrush  normally subject to corporal punishment

we had both been slippered at school but that was years ago,

by now the poor girl was being guided across my mums knee and jiggled into position,

her micro-mini left her well rounded bottom exposed she wore fashionable panties, quite skimpy,

she was in for a torrid time,

satisfied mum placed her left hand in the small of the teenagers back, and raised her right arm high,

Muriel yelped like a puppy with its tail trapped, in the coalhouse door,

the thwack of the heavy wooden backed hairbrush hitting her practically bare bottom, echoed around

the room, and again, mum was raising the hairbrush high and then smacking it down on to Muriel's

barely covered bottom, the teenage shop girl was on the wrong end of the spanking from hell,

Muriel was shrieking, yelling, mum continued spanking the weeping girls bottom, showing no mercy

she was taking advantage of our neighbours injury to take her spite out on a young girl she didn't like,

mum had an evil grin on her ugly face, Muriel's mum was smiling nodding her head in satisfaction,

pleased with the spanking her daughter was receiving,

( a little aside isn't it good that those days when a mum would gain satisfaction in seeing her teenage

 daughter, the girl she had given birth to being beaten black n blue and totally humiliated are long over)

at last it was over, a last couple of hard spanks to the bare segments of Muriel's bottom,

my pal was distraught, and be very careful or you will be getting the same, mum hissed at me,

as the sobbing Muriel was led out of the room by her mum,

a humiliating walk past the younger children playing in the street, a seventeen year old girl, ashen 

faced, red eyes, tears still flowing,  left school, working, bringing money in to the house, being shoved 

along the road by her mum holding the hairbrush, all the neighbors and youngsters playing could 

witness her plight,

As I remarked it would be inconceivable for the sophisticated teenagers of today to be chastised in such
a way,  

Saturday 24 April 2021



A mini in more ways than one. based on an image from


Leave off will you mum I'm eighteen not eight.

under my roof my rules, and I told you not to wear that indecently short skirt,

and look at the time, you're going over my knee for a real old fashioned Irish Catholic spanking.

I'm sick of talking to you lets see if the hairbrush can make an impression on you,

oh! mum.