Tuesday, 16 September 2014

British Justice?

BRITISH JUSTICE. A top cancer specialist who abused chlidren is given bail, while others charged with trivial offence are remanded in custody,

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Hello ,Its Sunday,

Its Sunday. Seems rather misty today,might even be raining havnt bothered to pull back the blinds, really lazy,have made a pot of tea, nearly all drank,so I expect I,ll spend the next couple of hours running to the loo, perils of gerrin old, enjoyable day shopping yesterday, no work,ha-ha. turned out really sunny sat for a while chatting to a pal,chewing the fat, apparently a guy she works with is hitting on her (so she says)could be wishful thinking on her part,me thinks(catty or what)well thats what friends are for arnt they, if he actually gets up the courage to ask her for a date,(shes quite scary)she should go for it you allways regret the things you dont do. well hope it all ends well..bye x.